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Hello! I would like for someone to check my paragraph for any bad capitalization, puncutation, and grammar. The paragraph is based on a biography of Nelle Harper Lee. I was given a specific article and video to get my information from.
Nelle Harper Lee, better known as Harper Lee, is an American author who wrote and it's sequel . She was born on April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama, U.S. Lee attended the University of Alabama but left without earning her degree. She moved to New York City afterward and had been working as an airline reservationist. In addition, some of Lee's friends helped her financially in order for her to write full-time. As a result, she was able to construct her famous novel , which was based on an unsuccessful trial of two African American men who were falsely accused of murdering a white woman. sold over 30 million copies worldwide and was made into a film in 1992. Harper Lee's worth was estimated at $35 million but did not have a lavish lifestyle, in fact, she donated much of her fortune to charities. In conclusion, Nelle Harper Lee wrote two of the most influential books which taught people about racial justice and open-mindedness.

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Changes made: Passive voice, capitalization, comma splice, missing determiner, and punctuation. Please compare.

Nelle Harper Lee, better known as Harper Lee, is an American author who wrote its sequel. She was born on April 28, 1926, in Monroeville, Alabama, U.S. Lee attended the University of Alabama but left without earning her degree. She moved to New York City afterward and had been working as an airline reservationist. In addition, some of Lee's friends helped her financially for her to write full-time. As a result, she was able to construct her famous novel, which was based on an unsuccessful trial of two African American men who were falsely accused of murdering a white woman. It sold over 30 million copies worldwide and was made into a film in 1992. Harper Lee's worth was estimated at $35 million, but she did not have a lavish lifestyle; in fact, she donated much of her fortune to charities. In conclusion, Nelle Harper Lee wrote two of the most influential books which taught people about racial justice and open-mindedness.