What I Know
It is the art of beautiful handwriting.
A. Calligraphy
C. Woodblock printing
B. Chinese Calligraphy
D. Korean Calligraphy
2 These are more economical for common Chinese architecture.
A. Multi-inclined
B. Sweeping
C. Straight inclined
D. Roof guards
These have curves that rise at the corners of the roofs. These are usually reserved for temples
and palaces although there may also be found in the homes of the wealthy Chinese.:
A Straight inclined
C. Roof guards
B. Multi-inclined
D. Sweeping
These are roofs with two or more sections inclined used for residences of wealthy Chinese.
A Straight inclined
C. Sweeping
B. Multi-inclined
D. Roof guards
It is a technique for printing text, images, or patterns used widely throughout East Asia.
A Roof guards
C. Woodblock printing
B. Japanese Ukiyo-e
D. Chinese Calligraphy
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate