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1. Make a list for each category listed below of items your shelter will require. List at least 4 - 5 items per category.

Water - Include storage methods and a means to purify the water.

Food - Include storage methods and preparation supplies (ex. cans require a can opener).

Sanitation - Assume that there are no water or sewage systems.

Medical - Medicines and first aid supplies

Radiation/Safety Equipment


2. Answer the three questions below.

1. If you could only choose six of the items on your list, what would they be and why?

2. For each of the five items on the list—water, food, sanitation, medical, and radiation/safety equipment—write one consequence if you fail to prepare said item beforehand.

3.Whether man-made or natural, disasters do happen. Are you prepared? Brainstorm with your classmates or teacher and create a short action plan that you could use to assist your family in an emergency. Focus on realistic things you can do. Include the following items in your plan:

• “go” box or bag – If you have to leave home in a hurry, what would you keep in a “go” box? Would you use a backpack, duffel bag, or some other container? Where would you store it?

• at-home emergencies – List items you can collect and store at home for use in case of emergency.

• family rendezvous point – Sometimes family members get separated in an emergency and cannot find one another because communications are down. Decide on two places where your family could meet: one local, and one at least 50 miles away in case of a regional emergency.

3. A civil defense pamphlet explains the basics of a fallout shelter. Considering the context of the Cold War, do you feel it would have been worthwhile to construct and stock a fallout shelter? Why or why not?

(Please help!! Must be turned in today and I wasn't at the study group..)

Sagot :



Water 1. 800 of packed purified water bottles- Shelves to store it.

2. 300 gallons of water- Shelves to store it.

3. Stove- Generator which will be powered from solar panels that have been installed.

4. Pots just in case we need to purify water (which most probably will not happen since the radiation will affect the water outside and all the water inside is all already purified.)- Stove  

Food 1. 300 Precooked food- Scissors and stove

2. 150 cans of various food each- Can opener

3. 100 bags of rice of 50 kg each- Shelves to store them.

4. Other grains like beans- Shelves to store them.

5. 500 bags of dog of food- Shelves

Sanitation 1. Broom and mop- Cabinet to store them

2. Clorox- Safe cabinet hard to reach.

3. 5000 rolls of toilet paper- Shelves to store them.

4. Gallons of cleaning products.- Safe shelves to store them.  

Medical 1. Vitamis- Shelves to store them.

2. Tylenol, which is for muscle pain- Shelves

3. Benadryl, for allergies- Shelves

4. Rubbing alcohol- Shelves

Radiation 1. Four radiation free suit- Cabinet

2. Three guns- Safe cabinet

3. Many bullets- Safe cabinet

4. A dog that I would have already, which is trained already- Dog house with dog food.  

Personal 1. Hygiene products- Shelves

2. Lantern- Charger that can be plugged to the generator.

3. Knives- Knives sharpener and shelves

4. Radio- Batteries                                                                                           2.                                                                                                                        1. The items would be gallons of water, the canned food, toilet paper, rubbing alcohol, a gun, and the radio. All of these item are indispensable to know what is going on and for survival.  

2.  Water- If I could not get this prepared we would die due to dehydration.  

    Food- We would die of starvation.  

    Medical- We wouldn't be able to clean any wounds.  

    Sanitation- We would not be able to go the restroom the correct way :(

    Radiation- Nothing much, we just wouldn't be able to protect ourselves from anyone or anything.                                                                                                                      

     The first thing I would do, is to make sure that my family is with me. If not, I would hurry to get them to be all together. Second I would get "go box" (which would be a backpack with 6 water bottles, basic hygiene products, a radio with extra batteries, a lantern, a knife, a lighter, matches, few cans of food, pencils, a survival books, a lock, and toilet paper). Third, is to evacuate all my family together to a safe place. Fourth, would be to get to the place safe.  

- Most of the items I listed in "go box" could be found at home except for the radio, batteries, lantern, and maybe canned food.  

- The safest place for me is a park that is 3 miles away from my house, and would be a good place since is somewhere where you can spot people easily.  


If I take a perspective of back then, yes it would. A fallout shelter would have guaranteed my family and my protection from any nuclear weapon, and even if it was not used it would still be there for my future generations to use in case of anything. But if we are taking a perspective of today looking at back then, then yes it would still be worthwhile for the reason already mention. Is better to be safe than sorry.                                                                                                              


A list of items for shelter will require are water, food, medicine and sanitation.

Items for survival in a shelter.

1. Water can be stored in plastic bottles with a capacity of 10 liters each. For purifying the water, a ceramic water filter will be perfect. For food, dried meat, fruits, grains, rice, nuts, can food (can opener) will be fine. Spoons, plates, mugs, bowls, pans and knives will be essential to cook food and prepare.

For sanitation, dig the ground near your shelter for human waste disposal. Medicine for fever, painkiller and first aid. Rope kit, compass and other safety devices. Cloths, hygienic items and insect repellent cream are some personal items.

2. 1. If you could only choose six items on your list, I would choose water, food, medicine, matchbox, cloths and knife because they are essential for survival.

2. If you fail to prepare said item beforehand in question, you have to search for it and stay safe without harming yourself.

3. During man-made or natural disasters, the best way to protect your family is to move to a safe zone fast as possible with essential items.

I would keep items like a knife, canned food, water bottles, basic hygiene items in a “go” box. I would use a backpack because it is easy to carry in the back.

If my family member gets separated, the meeting place will be the nearest park, and one at least 50 miles away will be the stadium in case of a regional emergency.

3. It would have been worthwhile to construct and stock a fallout shelter under a civil defense pamphlet. If war broke out, it will be helpful to use it for shelter, and safe from radiation and destruction.

Learn more about guidelines for emergencies here:
