In Python
current = int(input("Current Price: "))
lmonth = int(input("Last Month Price: "))
mortgage = current * 0.051 / 12
print('The house is ${:.2f}'.format(current))
print('The change is ${:.2f}'.format(current-lmonth)+" since last month")
print('The estimated monthy mortgage is ${:.2f}'.format(mortgage))
This gets the current price
current = int(input("Current Price: "))
This gets the last month's price
lmonth = int(input("Last Month Price: "))
This calculates the mortgage
mortgage = current * 0.051 / 12
This prints the house current price
print('The house is ${:.2f}'.format(current))
This prints the change
print('The change is ${:.2f}'.format(current-lmonth)+" since last month")
This prints the estimated mortgage
print('The estimated monthy mortgage is ${:.2f}'.format(mortgage))