Your goal is to find out how transportation has affected the place you
call home. Once you gather your facts, you will create a power point
presentation to share your findings with your classmates and share
images of your area before and after the transportation revolution.
The following guiding questions may help you get started:
• Did the city, town, or community in which you reside exist prior to the railroad?
• If you live in a city, how did railroads, streetcars, or subways impact it?
• If you live in a suburb, determine whether it is a "streetcar/subway" suburb, or
a "car" suburb
• If you live in a rural area, describe how changes in transportation have
affected commerce and production.
As you read, pay close attention to the changes that took place with the advent of
any new form of transportation - including cars and airlines. Also keep an eye
out for photographs, before and after.