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Imperfect practice: translate the following IMPERFECT verbs backwards! ex: ambulabant = ambula ba nt → they were walking
3 2 1 1 2 3
1. laborabamus
2. clamabat
3. errabam
4. convocabant
5. trahebas
6. agebam
7. haerebat
8. ferrebant
9. scribebamus
10. verberabant
11. gemebam 1
2. stabat
13. incitabatis
14. lacrimabant
15. temptabam
16. videbamus
17. audiebat
18. amabas
19. currebam
20. spectabant

Sagot :



1. labo ra bamus

2. clam a bat

3. erra bam

4. convoc a bant

5. tra he bas

6. age bam

7. haere bat

8. ferre b ant

9. scribe ba mus

10. verb era bant

11. geme bam 1

2. sta bat

13. incitabatis

14. la crim a bant

15. temp ta bam

16. vide b amus

17. audie bat

18. ama bas

19. curre bam

20. spect a bant