Answers listed below
1 - round yellow RXR sign is warning of upcoming railroad crossing
2 - construction signs are orange (some municipalities use pink or lime green)
3 - school zone sign is a warning or speed regulation, not traffic control
4 - double yellow means no passing
5 - A pedestrian signal
6 - graphic symbols
7 - turn lane
8 - traffic control (e.g. stop, no turns, yeild)
9 - warning
10 - flashing
11 - minimum speed limit
12 - lane signal
13 - advisory speed limit
14 - guide
Critical thinking 1 - a minimum speed limit is the slowest a driver is permitted to travel at under normal conditions, a basic speed law is generally the maximum speed that a driver can travel at on a specific class of road unless indicated otherwise by signage, an advisory speed limit is a suggested speed for a particular section of roadway due to road conditions or manuever.
Critical thinking 2 - most other developed countries require a basic understanding of traffic laws and vehicle operation in order to operate a vehicle, so that's a situation you probably won't find yourself in, if you really couldn't figure these out on your own.