Step-by-step explanation:
Remember, you must mark the point (the number) with either an outlined circle or a filled circle...
When graphing a linear inequality on a number line, use an open circle for "less than" or "greater than", and a closed circle for "less than or equal to" or "greater than or equal to".
edit...sorry my arrow definitions are different and probably confusing haha...
what i mean is draw a long ray depending on the sign of the number...
to further elaborate, draw the ray left for a less than inequality and right for a greater than inequality.
Less than = <
greater than = >
"less than or equal to" = ≤
"greater than or equal to" ≥
x < -3
step 1, mark the point on -3 with a open circle.
step 2, draw a line going left with a arrow at the end...
x ≥ -5
step 1, mark the point on -5 with a closed circle
step 2, draw a line going right.
x ≤ -2
step 1, mark the point at -2 with a closed circle
step 2, deaw a long arrow going left
x > 7
mark a point at 7, with open circle
draw a line going right...
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