In the fictional government of Dairyville, three families are in charge of setting govern-
ment policy and creating laws: The Snoods, the Gilberts, and the Moores. While the citi-
zens are free to own land, they are required to pay a very high land tax to the government. Some of the tax money is put back into the community in the form of repairing roads, building new factories, and providing local transportation for the people of Dairyville.
However, a good portion of these taxes are split between the Snoods, Gilberts, and
Moores who spend the revenue on lavish clothing, cars, and homes. While the citizens
are able to vote in elections, the options of candidates to choose from is very limited
and each candidate is a member of the three families. Lastly, while there are three
branches of government, there really is no separation of powers or system of checks
and balances since the executive branch holds almost all of the governing power.
What type of government does Dairyville have?
А- Oligarchy
B - Monarchy
С - Dictatorship
D - Democracy