Very wet with over 2,000 mm of rainfall per year.
Very warm with an average daily temperature of 28°C.
The temperature never drops below 20°C and rarely exceeds 35°C.
The atmosphere is hot and humid .
The climate is consistent all year round.
There are no seasons.
Most rainforests are structured in four layers: emergent, canopy, understory, and forest floor. Each layer has unique characteristics based on differing levels of water, sunlight, and air circulation.
Orchids. Orchids make up one of the largest, most varied flowering plant families with over 20,000 known species.
Lianas, Vines and Creepers, and
Logging interests cut down rain forest trees for timber used in flooring, furniture, and other items. Power plants and other industries cut and burn trees to generate electricity. The paper industry turns huge tracts of rain forest trees into pulp
Some types of plants only survive for one growing season, dying back at the end of the summer or early fall. But they make lots of seeds that will sprout the next year. These plants are called annuals. If you purchased pansies or marigolds for your garden last summer they are examples of annuals. The whole plant, roots, stems, and leaves die but the seeds endure. In order to germinate next spring, many seeds require a period of cold weather which our area certainly supplies.