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Billions of dollars are spent on advertisements and marketing about the human body. From fashion and beauty products to weight loss reality shows, technology is the platform to which a person receives these different messages. Advertisers reach their target audience through different forms of technology such as smart phones, tablets, computers, and television. In the end, it can cause a person to think these advertised services and products are needed.
- "The Connection between Body Image and Managing Weight"

Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the passage?

O Consumers spend too much money on health and beauty products in hopes of attaining their ideal body image.

O Weight loss is dependent upon the technology a person uses and the advertisements they view.

O Creating advertisements for distribution on various media outlets is costly.

O A person can develop a negative body image as a result of viewing too many advertisements.​

Sagot :


Last option


With the raising standardizing the body type, it is affecting a lot of people in their way of viewing which is the "best" body type, this can make a person feel bad about themselves for not having the similar body as shown on advertisements.