ok I'm kinda bored so here are things that are illegal but also funny
It’s illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances
It’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road in Quitman, Georgia
It was illegal to change a light bulb unless you’re a licensed electrician in Victoria, Australia
It’s a legal requirement to smile at all times except at funerals or hospitals in Milan, Italy
It’s illegal to pass wind in a public place after 6 pm on Thursdays in Florida
It’s against the law to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7 pm in Arizona, USA
It’s illegal not to walk your dog at least three times a day in Turin, Italy
You must let anyone use your toilet if they ask in Scotland
In Samoa, it’s illegal to forget your wife’s birthday
It’s a legal requirement to own a burial plot before you die in Sarpourenx, France
Before you ask yes every one of these things is true.