7. It is a --- lie.
8. The --- tidings were a heavy blow to the old man.
9. Here is a rupee: pay the fare and keep the --- money.
10. His reading is of a very --- range.
11. The injured man wants --- advice.
12. You cannot have it --- ways.
13. India expects --- man to do his duty.
14. The --- bird catches the worm.
15. Have you any --- reason to give?
16. ---anxiety has undermined his health.
17. There were riots in --- places.
18. An --- man will not reason calmly.
19. He stands --- feet in his stockings.
20. Nelson won for himself --- fame.
21. I have no --- cash.
22. He always walks with a --- step.
23. --- errors are not easily corrected.
24. Every cloud has a ---
25. He was a man of --- ambition.
26. He was listened to in --- silence.