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Think about the early forms of religion in india and how they differ. what is the moral order that keeps the universe from falling into chaos?

Sagot :

There were three most prominent early forms of religions existed in Indian sub-continent, as;

The "vedic religion"

It is considered as the earliest form of religion in the Indian subcontinent, it is called as "sanatan dharma" in the texts and by its followers.

Historians and researchers had found its traces around 1500BCE, on the basis of evidences and sources of history, but mythically it is said to be emerged around 4500BCE in the sub-continent.

The central texts of this religion are the Upanishadas (14 in number), and Vedas ( Rigveda, yajurveda, atharvaveda, and samveda).

The basic philosophy of this religion is, Samsara, Karma, and atma.

They believe that humans had to follow the 10 laws, as;

1. The principle of truth,

2. The principle of Non-violence,

3. Celibecy and Non adultry,

4. Do not deprive others of whatever belongs to them,

5. Accumulate only essential material things and living a non-materialistic life,

6. Keeping surroundings clean always,

7. Meditation,

8. Pray to god,

9. Controlling desires and senses,

10. Having knowledge of scriptures.

Another Earliest form of religion in he subcontinent was, Jainism ;

It is said that, Jainism was emerged around 7th-8th century BCE, in the period of the 23rd Tiranthkara, named Parshavanath, But

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishna, through an investigation have stated that, "Jainism existed in the subcontinent long before the Vedas were composed".

According to Historians, this religion emerged out as a resistance  against the brahmanical suppression, and the rigid and exploitative practices.

Jains follow these set of rules, as;

1. Ahimsa, or the principle of total non-violence,

2. Satya, or the principle of truth,

3. Asteya, or the principle of non-acceptance of the things that does not belongs to themselves.

4. Brahamcharya, or the principle of abstaining themselves from sexual and sensual pleasures with other than their partner. In case of Nuns and Monks these pleasure are strictlly not allowed throughout the life.

5. Aparigrha, or the principle of  non-attachment with any kind of materialistic or any psychological belongings.


It is considered  to be emerged in Indian subcontinent in the 6th-4th BCE,

Gautam Buddha laid the foundatin of this religion and is currently the fourth most followed religion in the world.

Buddhists (the followers of Buddha) follow the teachings of Buddha, and their main goal is to be free the humans from their sufferings,  which is a byproduct of their desires, through Nirvana.

Buddhists focuses upon attaining Nirvana by following the teachings of Buddha and end up the unending lifecycle of life, i.e, the cycle of life and death.

Buddhists follow a Eigh fold Path to attain Nirvana ;

1. Right view, or understanding that human body is corrupt by nature.\

2. Right resolve,

3. Right speech,

4. Right conduct,

5. Right livlihood,

6. Right effort,

7. Right mindfullness,

8. Right samadhi, or doing meditation and gaining posistivity.

In the these three religions and their morals, the only difference which is be seen clearly is the existence of God or the Univere created by god.

In the vedic religion, Indra, soma and surya were the main dieties and in the later times Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva were considered as main dieties.

But in the Jainism, the concept of God created Universe have been denied and they believed that the universe neither be created. And in Buddhist philosophy the focus goes mainly on spirituality and liberation from the bondages of life.

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