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PRACTICE Complete the activity and answer the questions.
1. (a) Analyze Using a chart like the one shown, identify specific
passages that capture the story's realistic and fantastic details.
(b) Connect Describe how the story begins grounded in the real
world and then develops a fantastic dimension. Use details from
your chart as evidence.
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2. (a) Analyze How would you describe the tone in paragraphs
6-12? (b) Connect Given the story's events, why is that tone
surprising? Explain. (c) Analyze How does the author's use of
diction and syntax contribute to the tone in those paragraphs?
Explain, citing specific details.
3. (a) Distinguish Note two other passages in which the tone is
surprising, given the nature of the events taking place.
(b) Analyze For each passage, note specific details of diction and
syntax that contribute to the tone.
4. Evaluate Do you think the story's neutral tone adds to or takes
away from its sense of mystery or uncertainty? Explain, citing story