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GRADED WORK: Iron Cage Post (Included in Student Logistics Grade) A
"Bureaucracy develops the more perfectly, the more it is 'dehumanized', the more completely it succeeds in
eliminating from business love, hatred, and all purely personal, irrational, and emotional elements which
escape calculation." Max Weber
Weber argued that modern values, structures and processes that priortize efficiency, predictability and
rationalization will result in people being trapped in a world of sameness, which he considered the iron
cage. For this post:
. watch the following video and summarize Weber's argument regarding the key factor in transitioning
to modernity (1 paragraph)
• explain an example of the iron cage in your world by describing how it traps people symbolically (1
• attach a picture that represents the iron cage structure (photo may be from your real world or may be
an image from the internet)
•. due date: Friday, Septmeber 9th by 11:59pm
Discussion posts are visible to the entire class. Please follow netiquette guidelines and be respectful and courteous
in the discussion forums. Please refrain from threats, ad hominem attacks, and disrespectful tactics. Any blogs or
posts deemed inappropriate by the course instructors will be deleted and no credit will be awarded.
Link to Weber Video (Opens a new window)
CC Max Weber & Modernity: Crash Course Sociology #9

GRADED WORK Iron Cage Post Included In Student Logistics Grade A Bureaucracy Develops The More Perfectly The More It Is Dehumanized The More Completely It Succe class=