1. Is Mr. Smith a current exerciser? Yes or No
2. Has Mr. Smith been diagnosed with a cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic disease? Yes or No
3. Does Mr. Smith have any signs or symptoms of cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic
disease? If yes, describe.
4. How would you classify Mr. Smith's desired exercise intensity?
5. Should Mr. Smith receive medical clearance before starting an exercise program?
6. Should Mr. Smith be referred to a clinic-based supervised exercise program?
7. You notice that Mr. Smith would like to lose weight before starting an exercise
program. What two pieces of information would you provide to him to encourage him
to think about beginning an exercise program as plans are developed to accomplish
his weight loss goals? Describe the seminal study that these concepts are based upon.
8. Evaluate Mr. Smith's cardiovascular disease risk factor profile. Identify each risk factor
and include the basis for making your classification.
9. You notice Mr. Smith's desire to lose weight and encourage him to visit a registered
dietician to create a healthy eating strategy. In the meantime, you know that as your
role as a fitness professional, you are positioned to help him with general information
First, tell him what three nutrients provide energy for our bodies. Then, tell him how
many calories come from the breakdown of one gram of each of these nutrients.