The prom-inent revolution-ary figure that was an aut-hor of the decla-ration of independence is nam-ed Thomas Jefferson.
Most Amer-icans did not kn-ow Thomas Jefferson was the prin-cipal author of the Decla-ration of Independence until the 1790s; bef-ore that, the docu-ment was seen as a collect-ive effort by the entire Conti-nental Congress.
Declaration of Independ-ence, in U.S. history, docu-ment that was app-roved by the Conti-nental Congress on July 4, 1776, and that announ-ced the sepa-ration of 13 North Ameri-can British colonies from Gr-eat Britain. Thomas Jefferson, a spokes-man for demo-cracy, was an Amer-ican Founding Father, the prin-cipal author of the Dec-laration of Independence
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