- Every subset of a regular language is regular. It's true.
- If L and M are regular languages then L - M is regular. It's true.
- If L is regular then so is {xy 2 € L and y L}. it's true.
- {w w=w"} is regular. it's false.
- If L is a finite language then it is regular. it's true.
- If L is a regular language then L" = { w w " E L} is regular. it's true.
All finite languages are regular; in particular the empty string language {ε} = Ø* is regular. The other kind of examples consist the language including of all strings over the alphabet {a, b} which include an even value of as, or the language including of all strings of the shape: several as followed by several bs.
Learn more about regular languages, here https://brainly.com/question/14665563