Using a helium-neon laser, monochromatic light with a wavelength of 632.8 nm is created. 9.42 mW are released as energy. Each photon's momentum in the light beam is p=h=632. 8106.
The HeNe laser's wavelength is 0.63 m, or 0.63 10 3 mm. According to Eq. (2.5), the whole divergence angle is approximately 103 radians = 1 milliradian, or 0.06°. The beam diameter will be only 1 cm at a 10 m distance from the laser. Because they fall within the correct wavelength range, it is acceptable to argue that monochromatic light, such as the helium-neon laser, is red (632 nm), or that the 3-2 transition from the hydrogen spectrum is red (656 nm).
To know more about wavelength,