Beta Corp.
A. Arnold = Agent (Arnold exercises significant power on behalf of the Beta's Board of Directors).
B. Carol = Agent-Employee (Carol does not exercise significant power on behalf of the principal (the Board of Directors of Beta). Instead, she is subject to Beta's control)
C. Dave = Agent-Employee, just like Carol. He is a mere employee subject to Beta's control.
D. Fred = Independent Contractor because he controls and directs the result of his work, though he does not decide the work or how it should be done.
Principal = a person who assigns the agent to act on her behalf.
Agent = a person who the principal authorizes to exercise significant power on her behalf.
Agent-employee = an employee of a company. The employee does not exercise the right of control and direction of the results of her work.
Independent contractor = a person who exercises the right of control and direction for work result, and not how and what is done.